Thursday, July 1, 2010

Smoked Pulled Pork Sandwiches - to die for!

This is a joint effort as Rich has to "man" the bbq. I serve these with potato salad, coleslaw and my pickles!
I like how this is a thin, vinegary sauce that's not too sweet; I lightly toss the meat in some sauce and then let people add extra to their own sandwiches. With lightly toasted Acme buns and a little mayo - it's the best! They are also really nice to do for a big buffet party, just use little mini buns. Recipe adapted from Weber

Smoked Pulled Pork makes about 8-10 sandwiches

1 tablespoon each of brown sugar, chili powder and salt
2 three pound bone-in pork shoulder roast (or one 5-6 pound, just cook about another hour)
couple handfuls hickory or mesquite chips soaked in water

Rub the meat all over with the spices. Grill over indirect medium heat for about 4-5 hours, turning every hour or so adding the wood chips after about 2 hours. It should be tender and crispy brown on the outside with a temperature of about 180 degrees. Let rest until cool enough to handle and then pull it into shreds (this job is a drag, but you do get to pick the best pieces out and munch as you go!) Toss the meat with some of the sauce and serve.


1 cup apple cider vinegar
1 cup ketchup (I used my homemade!)
1 cup water
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard powder
1/4 teaspoon cayenne
Boil all in a small pan for about 10 min, keep warm.

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