Sunday, August 30, 2009

"Woman - Are you insane?"

This is what Richard asked when I came home from the market yesterday and he had to carry 2 cases of tomatoes upstairs. (one early girl, one roma) I mean, when something is on "sale" you have to get it right? even if you don't need it... think how much $ you are saving! What can I say - it's Tomato Season and you can never have enough put up for the winter... This week I'm thinking about making soup for tomato soup and grilled cheese when it's cold again - which I promise will be soon! Seriously though, I'm questioning my own sanity as we are scheduled to go on the Pre-Garden Tour in our neighborhood Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. I survived the day! Only about 6 lbs. of tomatoes that I still need to do something with but I ended up with 5 qts. of soup, 5 pints marinara, 2 bottles and 5 -1/2 pints of ketchup and about 4 qts. of a rich tomato sauce - whew!!! Spaghetti for dinner tonight - just have to boil some more water and stick a fork in me, I'm done!
