Our dear friends are visiting from Maui and requested my Paella. Sarah put all these amazing grilled mini prosciutto cheese sandwiches together - doesn't she make a pretty prep cook? I love this recipe, I make them into flat envelope-like packages and they are pretty easy to fix; you can make the Mostarda ahead of time - and I would 1/2 the recipe because it makes a ton - or use it on crackers with cheese. Salty, creamy, sweet and crispy goodness!
The other starter was grilled artichokes with sesame mayo dipping sauce. This was super easy too; steam the artichokes until done then cut in half, remove the choke and drizzle with olive oil s&p then grill just to warm and get the marks. Mayo sauce is 1/2 cup mayonnaise, teaspoon Worcestershire and a teaspoon of toasted sesame oil whisked together.
It was a perfect night; some of our dearest friends and their kids, lots of loud talking, music and laughter. Even had a couple rounds of arm wrestling. I did not count the bottles of wine in the recycling the next day!
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