Monday, July 15, 2013

Happy Birthday Richard!

Rich and Adriana 50th bday dance
Surf and Turf
Believe it or not - Richard turns 50 today! Our celebrating started saturday night in our backyard - Adriana stopped by for a little celebratory dance with the birthday boy and our dear friends John and Rey came up from the city and I cooked his favorite meal - or one of them at least! Grilled ribeye and lobster tail with garlic butter, twice baked potatoes and a little salad of heirloom tomatoes and avocados with lemon juice, olive oil and salt.

For dessert Richard requested his favorite dessert - which I've never made before - Boston Cream Pie - turned out pretty damn well if I do say so myself. I found this recipe and the only thing I would change is that it made way too much pudding and icing - so half that in the recipe and it would be perfect. 
Boston Cream Pie for my love

This morning he got his actual favorite meal - in bed. My scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and some amazing fresh berries!
breakfast in bed

Now we're off to Calistoga (if the sun comes out) for a day at the pool - here's to another 50 years with the best man I know.

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