This is not always what I make for Xmas morning, because I don't have a set tradition for xmas morning - believe it or not! Those of you that know me know that tonight is Chinese Crab Night - always! Over the years we've had family and many friends join us for this, but tonight it's just us - more crab for me! We used to go to Gourmet Carousel on Franklin at Gough, but a few years ago Xmas eve fell on a monday and they are closed on that day so a client recommended Hunan Home in Chinatown and we've been going there ever since. It is a little more festive and has great crab - we go for either ginger and green onion or sometimes salt and pepper crab. Anyway I digress - this is my version of a Corned Beef Hash and the reason why it is great for Xmas morning is that it can be prepped ahead and just fried up in the morning and topped with a lovely fresh poached egg. This year I decided to try it as Red Flannel Hash since I had a beet sitting in the fridge and thought it would make a great holiday color - plus I've always liked that name - Red Flannel Hash!!
Xmas Morning Hash for 2 - easily doubled for more
about 1 cup chopped corned beef (I usually use pastrami - Prather has a new one - because it's hard to find it corned, but any leftover beef will do)
2 medium baking potatoes - boil them whole until tender 15-20 min, or used leftover baked potatoes
1/2 onion finely chopped
couple tablespoons butter
about 1/4 cup heavy cream
Peel the potatoes when they are a little cool and mash up a little - doesn't have to be mush, you want a few chunks. Add the beef, onion and s&p - easy on the salt, as your beef could be salty. At this point it can just go in the fridge until the next morning. When ready to cook, melt the butter in a pan add the hash and mash down and fry over medium low heat about 15 min or until browned on one side. Then turn it over in pieces putting a little more butter in the pan and fry the other side another 10 min. then pour the cream over the top and finish cooking another 10 min. Serve with a poached egg - and ketchup of course! Now if you want to try the Red Flannel - after you cook the potatoes remove them and add a beet to the water and let that cook about 30-45 min. depending on the size until it is tender. Then chop this up finely and add to the mixture. Now that's a pretty sight on any morning! Merry Xmas everyone!
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