Thursday, June 12, 2014

Chicken taco/tacito/flauta whatever you want to call it - it's good!

This was one of the original things I used to make for Taco Tuesday. I love my beef tacos but when my niece was here visiting I remembered these chicken tacos I used to make but decided to try them rolled up and it was much easier to handle. Served with some beans cooked with a little bit of ham and mushed up a bit and you have dinner!

Chicken Tacos  serves 4

about 2 cups leftover shredded chicken (I had grilled a few chicken breasts so I just used those)
1 cup shredded monterey jack cheese
10-12 corn tortillas
vegetable oil
sour cream for serving

Mix together the chicken and cheese - if you like spicy I would chop a pickled jalapeƱo and add that to the mix. Then wrap a few tortillas in a paper towel then microwave about 30-60 seconds so that it gets pliable. Take a warm tortilla and put the filling along the bottom, roll up tightly and secure with a couple toothpicks. In a large pan heat a quarter inch of oil and fry over medium heat turning once until crispy and browned. Repeat with remaining tortillas and mix. Serve topped with salsa, guacamole and sour cream if you like - don't forget to remove the toothpicks! I did these for Cinqo de Mayo and they were great - even leftover - I just crisped them back up in the toaster oven for a few min.  (it only took me a month to get around to posting it!)

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